Imports and exports


Attention: the import procedure is about to change in the next version of DDI on Rails.

Import formats

CSV formats


The full list of CSV imports is currently documented on


In most imports, there is a description field using Markdown. For more information about the Markdown markup language, see: Daring Fireball.


  • Some fields in the CSV exports are not part of the import. Those fields start with view_ variables and datasets.
  • Columns with the internal_ prefix are indended for internal use only and will not be imported (e.g. internal_comment).
  • Language codes, for all translation purposes: ISO 639-1

XML formats

  • Endnote: Publications in Endnote’s XML export.
  • r2ddi: DDI-Codebook-based XML, generated by r2ddi.
  • QeDML: QeDML-XML from QLIB.

Other formats

  • EndnoteKeys are a special import of two columns (accession number and keywords) in addition to the normal XML import. Endnote exports everything but the keywords to XML what makes this import neccessary.

Import structure

Top level

|  system/       # -> system-wide imports
|  study-first/  # \
|  study-second/ #  }-> one folder per study
|  study-third/  # /

All levels

|  system/
|  |  endnote.xml
|  |  endnote-keys.txt
|  |  ddiOnRails.png
|  study-first/
|  |  studies.csv
|  |  variables.csv
|  |  ...all other csv files...
|  |  files/
|  |  |  ...all files for public folder...
|  |  qedml/
|  |  |  ...questionnaires in QeDML-XML-format...
|  |  r2ddi/
|  |  |  version/
|  |  |  |  ...dataset descriptions in DDI-C-XML...
|  study-second/
|  | study-first...